- Buckingham Palace, London
- Eiffel Tower, Paris
- 35°1′38″N 111°1′21″W (the site of a meteor impact at Flagshaft, Arizona)
- 29°58′34″N 31°07′58″E (Great Pyramid of Giza)
- 25°11′49.7″N 55°16′26.8″E (the Burj Khalifa in Dubai)
- 33°51′25″S 151°12′53″E (Sydney Opera House)
- 51°10′43.84″N 1°49′34.28″W (Stonehenge)
- 33.775150°N 112.451016°E (The Spring Temple of Buddha)
- 22°57′6″S 43°12’39″W (Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro)
- 40°41′38″N 74°2′37″W(Statue of Liberty in New York)
Finally, we learnt about using different layers to indicate various things like roads, borders, labels, phonographs, places, and 3D building to mention but a few.
Year-end Function
Thing have been a bit crazy but I will be in contact with you soon with regards to the details for the Sunridge Computer Club's year-end function. Thank you to all the parents who so generously offered their help.
Thank you
Thank you to all the Moms and Dads who make sure our club members are at the club meetings on time and of course for collecting your children on time.
I'll have to check our school schedule to make sure whether we still have time for another computer club meeting. I will communicate this to you at a later stage.
Until next time...