We started off by watching a view YouTube Videos of other schools - both local and abroad - to get some ideas. Here are three of the videos if you'd like to see what we're aiming for. Simply click on the schools' names below.
- Sporting events - matches and practices
- The hustle and bustle as learners swap classes after the bell goes
- Interactive moments in Grade 1 classes
- Playground activities, learners kicking balls around, girls sitting on the benches eating their lunch and chatting
- Art class
- Science class
- Computer classes
- Music class
- Band practice
- Learners queuing at the tuck shop
Please note that our next club meeting will be in 3 weeks time to allow me time to mark the computer literacy and Cami maths test our learners are writing as of today. The next club meeting thus, will be on 11 June 2012.
Until then...