Technology, computers and our changing world
We were amazed by some jaw-dropping facts, and were sure given a thing or two to think about tonight and for a long time to come.
Before I continue, here is the agenda for this evening:
- Take register
- Year-end function - donations, eats, and drinks
- Welcome and hand over to Mr. Wessels
- Thank you Mr. Steyn (tog bag and pens)
Our guest speaker for tonight was Mr. Jacques Wessels. Mr. Wessels works at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University where he manages around 6000 computers. He also runs his own Information Technology business and holds various degrees and qualifications.

He started off by explaining what the
internet really is and the whole
internet is connected. We were
fascinated by the process involved in a simple Google search - all the way from the computers my lab, via some place in the middle of the country to the
SEACOM landing point on the Eastern SA coastline, through a fibre-optic cable around Africa through the Suez Canal to Europe and then on to the United States of America, AND BACK, all of that within a second. That simple Google search doesn't seem so simple anymore, does it?
Wessels also taught us how the images on our computer screens are compiled and how the human eye
interprets the three basic colours. He gave us a better understanding of a graphics card's refresh rate and why having a good graphics card is important when playing most computer games.
We were also told about many other uses of computers as used in the medical profession, and even warfare. What was term he used? ...ah, "soldiers of information".
Our guest speaker ended off with a really cool video on some amazing futuristic technology which we already are capable of. Things which were seen in Sci-
Fi movies not too long ago and thought to be impossible are here! now!!! Can you imagine what will be possible even just two years down the line?
If there's one thing which our members really must take home from this presentation then it is that IT is moving fast and it moves even faster every year, so don't get left behind. Pay attention to what is said in the classroom, and pay attention to the technology around you.
Give-awaysAnd as if the presentation wasn't enough.
Mr. Steyn (Nandie's dad) surprised us with some give-aways which consisted of a tog bag and two pens. Thank you very much for that.
More give-awaysYou might have noticed that your child came home with a pencil case and pen last week. That was courtesy of
Moore Stephens Chartered Accountants. Thank you to
Mindie's folks for that.
Photographic Competition 
Sunridge Computer Club photographic competition was won by Shanon
Schotlz for her photo of an apple held by two hands
and surrounded by ice. It was not an easy decision. There were many beautiful photographs.
Luckily I left it up to
Beverly Darlow Photography to choose the winner.
Bev handed Shanon's prize over to her last week. Thank you to everybody for your effort.
Sunridge Computer Club year-end functionThank you again to the
Whitlocks for sponsoring the club's year-end function with a
braai and plenty of activities to keep the members busy. It was my idea to have a year-end function but the
Whitlocks turned it into an event to really look forward too. Then to the rest of the parents who contributed so generously with money,
cooldrinks, chips, and salads - thank you very, very much. Just like every club meeting, this event really cannot happen without your help.
Saying goodbyeAlthough the computer club still has the
braai to look forward to, tonight was the last official club meeting. It is time to say goodbye to our grade 7 members, and goodbye to the year 2010 with all the good that it brought us with the World Cup.
It is strange how I sit down to write this blog right after I get home from every club meeting and wonder what all I could say. So I bring my dinner to my study and I sit and think, and type, and check, and post, etc. And then somehow, as by some cosmic rule, I always finish the blog just before midnight. ...yes, just like tonight...
Sorry...Which reminds me. Sorry for keeping the members a bit late this evening. I think you'll agree that I have been very punctual so far, keeping in mind the moms who sit and wait in their cars for the duration of the meetings, and the dads who collect their children at the specified time. But, as I'm sure you're children have told you, tonight's talk was very interesting and although I kept rushing Mr.
Wessels towards the end, I could not help but allow him to continue past the scheduled time.
Besides the club's year-end function on Monday, 6 December at 13:00, the next club meeting for next year's grade 7s will be on Monday, 24 January 2011 at 17:15.
This is Motherboard
sighning off. :-)