On the agenda for today was:
- Welcome back
- Robotics outdoor excursion
- Next SCC meeting (18 October) on digital photography
- Comics lesson
Parents please take note that the following meeting of the Sunridge Computer Club will be on Monday, the 18th of October at 17:15. The lesson will be on digital photography. We'll be joined by a professional photographer who will be our guess speaker for the evening. I think you'll agree with me when I say that we are fortunate to have point-and-click digital cameras and just about all of our mobile phones have cameras in them too. But how much use is this if we do not know how to take a decent picture???
Our guest speaker will also be taking digital portrait pictures of us all, so members are encouraged to dress up, brush their teeth, comb their hair, and practice their sunshine smiles for when the photographer says: "say cheese".
As for today's lesson, we created our own comics on a website called http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/.
Makebeliefscomix allows one to make 2 - 4 panel comics with a variety of characters to choose from. 20 Different fun cartoon characters - each with 4 different costumes - are on offer. The website also has 25 props to choose from - anything from pizza slices to hats. Various tools can be used to flip, scale, move, re-order, and delete characters and props. Makebeliefscomix also allows one to colour the panels and select a variety of talk and thought balloons in addition to using panel prompts. Upon completion, the comics can be printed and/or emailed
We opted to mail all the comics to my computer so that I can print them out for us in colour and laminate them.
Like I said, this is nothing hectic - just a nice fun way to kick start the 4th term.
This is Motherboard signing off.
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