But first, the agenda
- Avatar lookalike
- Project website
- Project winner
- Commitment
- New project
- Lesson
Avatar Lookalike
Keeping our learners safe is a definite priority for any teacher. This extends to the internet too. We
used avatars to represent ourselves on our website, rather than use photographs of our club members together with their names on the same page. Sunridge SuperSpar was kind enough to sponsor us with a chocolate hamper for the avatar which best represents that learner. We put all the avatars up on the big screen and had the club members vote for the winner. This prize went to Sebastian. Well done Sebo.
Please note that sometimes it is unavoidable placing a learner's name and photograph together on the same page - as is the case in this blog post.
Project Website
We built an 18-page website to showcase our club members' hard work. You may view the website by visiting this link: www.sunridge.co.za/scc
Project Winner
I tried, but I simply could not choose one winner amongst so many wonderful project reports. I narrowed the possible winners down to 3 report
s based on the theme of the project (Strange or Unusual jobs). Then I called in the help of my club members to help me choose. ChloƩ whas chosen by her fellow club members as reporting on the most unusual job. Her Bug Photography page report was very interesting indeed. And what did she win? More chocolates, as in lots more! Again, we have Sunridge SuperSpar to thank for this hamper too. This photograph is of me trying to take the chocolates away from ChloƩ and her hanging onto it for dear life. :-)
Commitment to the Club
On a sad note - we had to say goodbye to a club member tonight. Club members were reminded that they earned their place in the computer club and that they need to continue working hard and meeting deadlines in order to stay in the club.
New Project
I announced the Computer Club's new project tonight. This project promises to be a lot more fun and a team effort involving all of the club members working together. I asked the following question: If we were to dig a hole under our feet where we're standing here in Port Elizabeth, and keep digging until we reach the other side of the Earth, where will we end up? The members need to go find out where this place is and come tell me at our next club meeting. China, America, and a few other places were suggested. They need to be specific though. I found out that we end up in the Pacific ocean. However, there is a land mass close by. We will then choose a school in that "mystery" location and start collaborating with them. I also asked the club members to come up with ideas of what we can do with that school. The focus will be on exchanging information and learning about each other's countries. One idea is to Skype with them, and another is to email a photo of one of our club members dressed in what we think is their traditional clothes is and for them to do the same for us. But more about this project later.
Lesson: Wordle
No matter how busy we are, I always make sure we learn something new. Here's a nice lit
tle tool called Wordle. You can go to www.wordle.net and enter a couple of words, copy and paste from another list, or enter a URL into the space provided. Wordle will then make you a cool word cloud like the one the right (this is what I got when I used our computer club blog's URL). Words that appear more often in your text will be larger in your word cloud. You can change the font, shape, colour, layout and various other aspects of your word cloud or you can hit the Randomize button and get a whole new word cloud from the same words.
Our next club meeting will be on mOnDaY, 15 August 2011.
Till next time...
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